The latest adventure : C41 in E6...
After reading some literature on cross processing in photo development, I wanted to try this "old process" which consists in developing a regular negative color roll in a positive chemistry. What is surprising is that you get from your negative roll a positive film at the end. And what is especially fun is that the result in colors are quite strange and changed from the original shot. The most difficult part in this process is to find the correct processing time because you are using the product in a none standard scale.
So I loaded my Yashica Mat 6x6 camera with a color negative film (Kodak Pro100) and I went in a series of shots, trying different subjects, different expositions. The literature I found on the subject was saying that you should take the picture with a normal exposition and then you should develop (for this brand of film) with a +3 stop correction. The stops in developing I know, you are supposed to multiply the time by 2 for each stop, but when you develop rolls in a 3 bath solution, how does it work? I searched on the Internet and didn't find any useful information. I even posted some articles on newsgroups, but I didn't get sufficient information. That's a little bit why I am completing my web site with this experience...
At the end after several attempts (and it's not yet perfect), here are the time scales I used to develop my rolls:
With this kind of time, here is the result of my real first experience: